Snow Removal

Face the challenges of winter head-on with our snow plowing offerings. At Hurst Tree Service, we recognize the need for keeping driveways and walkways safe and unobstructed during Michigan’s severe winter season. Providing complete snow removal solutions for both homes and businesses, we’re committed to simplifying and securing your winter experience.

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Services We Provide

Experience reliable and efficient snow removal to keep your driveways and walkways safe and accessible all winter long.

Snow Plowing Driveways and Walkways

Maintain your driveways and paths in a safe and usable condition throughout winter with our effective snow plowing and blowing services. Using high-quality machinery, our crew can manage snow accumulation of any size, making sure your property remains accessible.

Snow Clearing and Off-Site Removal

Large amounts of snow on your property can pose both an inconvenience and a safety hazard. We provide an all-inclusive snow clearing service, transporting the surplus snow away from your location, allowing you to continue your daily routine without disruptions.

Salting and De-icing

Icy conditions are a hazard in the winter season. Our salting and de-icing solutions work to stop ice formation, keeping your driveways, paths, and parking spaces secure for both foot traffic and cars.

Spreading Sand/Salt Mix

Tackle icy situations and secure safe movement through snowy environments with our sand/salt spreading service. This method helps dissolve resilient ice and snow, and also improves grip on difficult winter surfaces.

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